Japan Association of Microscopic Dentistry

Call for Abstracts

Type of Presentation
■Oral Presentation
: Presentation and Discussion
■Poster Presentation: Poster Discussion

  Presentation Guidelines

Presentations should support our mission of spreading microscope usage for advanced and accurate diagnosis, treatment, and dental studies.
■Oral Presentation
Presentation time: Presentation (8 minutes) and Discussion (2 minutes) Computer-based presentation only (film slides or videotapes are not allowed).
■Poster Presentation

Format requirements for poster presentations are as below:
* Each poster will be displayed for two days. Please set up and remove your poster at the specified times.
* Poster presentations will be held on Sunday, April 24 from 11:50~12:20
■Poster Set-Up
Saturday, April 23, 9:00~10:00
■Posters on Display
Saturday, April 23, 10:00~Sunday, April 24, 15:30
■Poster Discussion
Sunday, April 24, 11:50~12:20
■Poster Removal
Sunday , April 24, 15:30~16:00
※ Please wear the Presenter's Ribbon when giving your presentation
※ Please stand by your poster and answer any questions during the Q&A session
【Framework for creating posters】

・Please follow the form for the size of your poster (180 X 90cm) shown on the right.
・Concisely include important information such as objectives, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references on the poster. The size of the lettering is not specified but be sure that it can be easily read from 2 meters away.
・Please bring your own thumbtacks for the display.

 Templates for Applications

Abstract Submission Guidelines

★Abstract Submission Deadline: January 20, 2022
1. Please use the Microsoft Excel templates for application to submit your presentation.
2. The title must be within 80 characters including spaces, affiliation should be concise. The abstract must be within 300 words.
3. The presentation title, the name of the presenter, and co-presenters should be listed in the application.
4. The abstract should be structured with the following headings: Objective, Material and Methods, Results, and Conclusions, in this order. For case reports and invention or improvement of techniques and devices, the headings should be appropriately changed (for example, for case reports, Introduction, Cases, Discussion and, if relevant, Conclusions)
5. Methods, Results, etc. should be described clearly, with numerical values and the statistical analysis methods used, if possible. Invention or improvement of techniques and devices should also be described clearly.
6. Presentations, abstracts, and presentation data can be prepared in English. The program that will be published on the website is PDF file only (English version will be provided).

 Abstract Submission Method

Please send the Microsoft Excel file to the following e-mail address.
Congress President: Taira kobayashi, DDS, PhD
Executive Committee Chair: Satoshi Uchibori, DDS, PhD 2021endai@jamd.sakura.ne.jp
  Presentation Guideline